
Garages at Lake of the Ozarks and Beyond

  • a shelf in a garage has a bucket that says ' aquafina ' on it

Garage Solutions at Lake of the Ozarks, MO

Garage Organization in Lake of the Ozarks

Struggling to find space for your car or craving a personal retreat? Leverage our expertise to convert your garage into a functional and enjoyable work and storage area.

At Beyond Storage Lake of the Ozarks, our design consultants collaborate with you to craft a garage interior featuring custom garage cabinets, shelves, drawers, and versatile slat walls, optimizing your garage's storage potential. Additionally, we can incorporate countertops and other accessories to establish a workshop or gardening center within your garage.

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Customizable Garage Solutions

Regardless of your preferences, our seasoned design team will collaborate with you to choose the right solution for your garage. This solution will align with your home decor and personal taste while maximizing your garage's storage capacity, ensuring the highest functionality and organization.

  • Cabinet Sketch


Bring chaos to order with custom cabinets for your garage from Beyond Storage. Enclosed garage cabinets are ideal for making use of unused, vertical space while keeping things hidden behind closed doors. Store everything from games and seasonal décor and clothing that often overflow the home to seldom-used camping gear, sporting equipment and larger tools to improve your garage's organization.

  • Shelve Sketch


Reclaim your garage storage space with custom shelves. Garage shelves are great for holding baskets and storage bins that contain your family’s most often-used items, such as baseball gloves, gardening supplies and more. Whether you’re looking for overhead shelving or shelves to integrate with your garage cabinets, our team of designers will work with you to create a custom looks and feel.

  • Drawers Sketch


Durable, garage storage drawers are great for keeping all of your garage essentials secure and easily accessible. Our custom-made drawer solutions can be made especially for your garage and be integrated into your cabinets or workbench to add storage space for small work items, such as nails, screws and other hand tools and materials.

  • Countertop Sketch


Complete your garage projects efficiently with custom countertop solutions. Whether you’re looking for a traditional or more a modern style workspace for your garage, our countertop solutions add space for working on handyman tasks, do-it-yourself projects, gardening and more, helping you get the most out of your garage space.

  • Slat Walls Sketch

Slat Walls

Slat walls are a great way to efficiently utilize unused space in your garage and keep things stored off the floor. Options for hooks are available to hang your favorite small tools, while heavy-duty brackets are designed to hold larger equipment, such as bicycles, golf bags, skis, and more in your garage. You can even attach baskets and bins to keep your smaller everyday items in view and within easy reach, which will make your garage more functional and organized.

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We ensure a 5% price beat on any competitor's quote with similar materials and design. Additionally, unlike others, we offer a complimentary blueprint of the design.

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Beyond Storage Lake of the Ozarks

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